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Ness Sep 9, 2010

I remember sitting at my desk and going through how I process my job so that my cubicle feels correct. I can sense immediately if something in mt cubicle is out of place. While co-workers sometimes suggest I modify my work space, I say I likes my arrangement. I am right-handed, and therefore I am very strategic about where I place things. I try to make what little space I have as usable as possible to make myself more relaxed and efficient.

If your cubicle can help you relax and make you efficient, you’ve done a good job of decorating. Rather than worry about appearing to be a hard worker or striving to give the impression that you’re organized, a relaxed and efficient worker can just be himself or herself. With fewer concerns on your mind and a visually appealing and functional work space, you can focus on your job. What boss would complain about that?


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