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Oily = Ugly

Ness Sep 7, 2010 , , , , ,
Oiliness is next to ugliness. Not sure why I am blogging this. I just remembered my friend. She will be here next week for a vacation and I will be her official tour guide. I’m excited too! It’s been a while since the last time I was out with friends..
She’s a college friend. We went to the same university but she finished a different degree. We used to go out, gimik together and shop together. When we graduated, we had to separate ways. She got married also. Same with me.
After like 5yrs, I found her in facebook. I got excited. I added her and soon enough she accepted it and we started to catch up with the stories of our lives. It was nice. Exciting. I was happy that I found her.
Next week, we will see each other after 5yrs. I am not sure how she looks like. I remember our classmates before teasing her to have an oily face. Because her face is so shiny and had several pimples (you know what I mean. Picture that!) She always gets mad at our classmates and will end up absent on our class the next day.
I really didn’t tell her that it’s true that she got a very oily face. But I realized, I did! (Indirectly) by suggesting some powder everytime we’re on shopping. I even bought her the oil removing film.
I wonder if she still got the oil mine in her face, or should I say in her glands. Haha! I can’t help but smile thinking about how we look like when we we’re in school.
I will not post her old picture for now. Let’s wait for next week. It would be better to show the before and after thingy. That would be more funny. LOL
I’m excited for next week. I know it’s going to be a blast. The jokes, laughters, giggles and never ending story telling sessions. I’m excited! One thing’s for sure, she got a very beautiful heart. And she’s my friend!


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