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New Online Diary..

Ness Aug 1, 2010
August is my birthday month. August 1, 2010 is the day I started this new blog. I must admit, I have had blogspot, wordpress and tumblr accounts. But, I already deactivated my previous blogspot and wordpress account. My tumblr is still kicking, though. I wanted to have a privacy. Duh! (How can I do that on the net? On a blog?!) What I meant was, a blog that is not promoted. I should keep my mouth shut up this time, preventing my self to announce that I have a new blog. Not to hide from my friends but as I mentioned a while ago, I wanted a privacy. I am not turning on the privacy settings of this blog. I just want me, myself and I to be the only person who knows about this.

I know, there will be blog hoppers who will discover this but at least, they don't know me (I mean, personally). I wanted a diary. My very own diary. I thought of just writing it in my Starbucks planner, but it is not that I carry all the time. If I put it in my bag, my husband will see it eventually and will know that I am writing on it. Hmm.. So, here it is. My own, secret, private blog.

July month was not my month. It hated me. I lost my job. I was so depressed. I have to money. I have nothing to pay for my bills. Nobody was able to help me. Financially nor emotionally. Of course, I have my husband here, but he's working. He's busy during weekdays. For weekends, we have the usual routine. Saturdays is for malling and grocery. Sunday is for Sunday mass and malling again. But that's it. Again and again and again.

3days to go and it's my birthday. I'll be 30yrs old. I know I haven't accomplished anything yet in my life. Except, of course of marrying the man I love. But most of my childhood dreams hasn't come true yet. I can't remember them anymore. I'll think about them and will post theme here so I can check which one is possible and those which are impossible. LOL

July and August will be full of adjustments. Adjusting to a married life. Adjusting to a husband who's very busy during weekdays. I must get a job, soon! I hope there is an employer waiting for me this August..


Unknown said...

Good luck and best wishes!

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