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Ness Aug 20, 2010 , ,

Husband decided to take a time off from work. He has been sleeping all day. While me, I’ve been out of our house for almost the whole day.

I had a very long day. Tiring day. Draining day. Got an invite for a job interview at 2pm. Finished around 330pm. They asked me come back 8 in the evening for another round of grammar-english draining conversation. My migraine is in the house again when I got home. It’s was trying to kill me. Fortunately, I still have my doze of my friend paracetamol. But this friend always gets me groggy everytime it’s in my system. I fell asleep. For 2hrs.

7pm, I started to prepare again for my 2nd interview. I arrived at exactly 8pm. Other applicants we’re in the venue also. Soon enough, the lovely HR people and interviewers arrived. They started calling names. I patiently waited in my seat. Patiently… Patiently!!

1130pm, they called my name. Take note, I started waiting 8pm. Nice, no? They directed me to the person assigned to me. And the 2nd round started. It lasted for an hour. My head is spinning and the killer headache is attacking again. I can’t even remember how I got back to my seat..

Soon, they called my name again. One of the HR person told me that I passed the interview. I can’t remember how I reacted. I just realized they’re saying that I am overqualified for my current position but underqualified for the higher position. However, they will still schedule me for an interview with their Site Director and he/she will decide which position they will put me into. So, I agreed. They told me to wait for a call tomorrow or next week because they still have to check the available time of the Director.. I said okay.

I then saw myself riding a cab already heading back home. Husband is already waiting me. But the headache is killing me. So, I took a paracetamol again. After 30mins, I felt okay.

So we went out to get super late-dinner/super early-breakfast. We got the big breakfast from Ila Puti. Yummy!!

Now, we’re home again and now ready to hit our bed. I can now feel I’m tired and sleepy. I can only thank God for the endurance and strength he is giving me.

What a day!!


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