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Ness Aug 8, 2010 , ,
As I have blogged on my earlier post, August is my birthday month. August 4, to be exact. I was expecting something from my husband. A birthday or a a very generous dinner date, maybe? Haha! But since he cannot take a leave on his work, we agreed to celebrate the whole week. Like dinner the other day, then tomorrow, dinner again. he wants to make sure I will have a taste again of my favorite restaurants on my birthday.

1st stop: The non-dying Ayala Mall (Cebu). Husband went to work early so he can go out for a lunch break at around 8pm. I fetched him in the office then we went off to RED KIMONO. My favorite Japanese restaurant. We decided to take the table outside. The weather was kind of gloomy and air was cold. very nice to have a dinner. *wink* After the dinner, husband got to be back in the office already or else, he will get a memo from the Guard for over break.

2nd stop: The next day, we had dinner again in the famous IT Park of Cebu -- one of our favorites - EAST WEST. We had their yummy pork chops, potato joe (it's like potato wedges) and their iced coffee. Our experience in there was always good, ever since. Except for this one that several foreigners were occupying the 3 tables. They're having dinner too! They pissed me off, literally. After they had dinner, they played truth or consequence. They we're so loud. So noisy. Up to the point that me and my husband had a very hard time hearing each other. I can say that they they are the most "bastos" race I have ever encountered. Shet sila! I asked one of the waiters to let those aliens know that they're so loud. The waiter just nodded at me. I bet he didn't tell them since they are all English speaking. So, dedma! The hell with them. But they ruined our dinner date. I just hope next time, there is a Manager in the restaurant to manage the floor and the customers.

3rd stop: One of nice restaurants in (again!) IT Park. ROMA MIA. Husband ordered their famous grand father pork chops. I ordered their roasted chicken in herbs. And plus their vanilla shake. Yummy!!!

And the fairest of them all?? We had an overnight stay in Waterfront Hotel. Had dinner at PINO. We really enjoy their buffet food. Everytime we have extra money, we go there. The food is Filipino cuisine. The crew is great. The place is perfect. We ended our stay in the hotel with their buffet breakfast the next day. Super yummy! We really enjoyed it. I can say that husband really want to make sure he is eating every miles points that he has for our stay there. LOL. The reason why we also decided to get a hotel room for my birthday was to have our 2nd honeymoon. Since we didn't really had a decent honeymoon after our wedding, we didn't push through with our supposedly week-long Hongkong vacation due to lack of funds. Haha!

But! Just after we ate, I rushed to our hotel room because my stomach was acting up. Oh my gosh! LBM. So funny. Husband went back to our room after like 15mins. Rushing to get in the comfort room as well. LBM!! We we're laughing! We we're very happy. 12pm, check out time. Our tummy's still acting up. And now, while I am writing this, we are still in pain. Taking turns in using the comfort room. Haha! This is what we call "katakawan!"

Happy birthday to me. Thank you Hun for my birthday treat! I love you!


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