

Homebakers - Cebu

Ness Sep 11, 2010 , , ,

My husband has been bugging me for a week now to get a dessert. He's been drooling with red ribbon's chocolate cake. But I was not interested. However, this afternoon, I suddenly thought of eating my favorite brazo de mercedes. Hmmm.. Then I remember, our landlord gave us a box of it last Christmas. The name on the box is "Homebakers". It was sooo yummy, heavenly delicious. Luckily, the box got the complete address and contact numbers on it and I was able to cut it and keep it (for future references). Haha! So< i asked my husband if he wants brazo de mercedes instead of a cake. And he immediately said yes. But he told me the shop is close on weekends. But I managed to drag him over the phone to call the shop and verify if they are really close. After a few rings, somebody answered and we got the confirmation that they're open on Saturdays but close on Sundays. We we're happy. I got so excited.

I went upstairs and changed clothes already. Got money from my wallet and my phone. So we headed to the address. We just gave the address to the cab driver and after few minutes, we are the doorsteps of the shop. This is my 1st time to see their shop. Very nice. The shop is inside a village and the place is very quiet. Not so many cabs or public transporation. We entered and the crews greeted us. I just smiled.

I went directly to their cake displays. Looks so delicious! But I was looking for my brazo de mercedes. And there they are. In a box of 6 which they call it mercedes and the box of 16 (with smaller slices) which they call it merceditas. I ordered the box of 16. For only Php320, I now have 16pcs of merceditas. Ahhh, life is soo good!

The shop got 5 tables inside for customers who wants to dine in. The tables and chairs looks good. The guard caught my attention. I was curious why I didn't see any guard at the door. Then I saw in the corner, preparing some colored papers for the shop's decorations. How nice!

Anyway, Homebakers is also offering hot and cold beverages. Coffee, juice, soda. They have sandwiches too! Along their bread display, I saw cookies, banana cake, chocolate donuts, coffee-flavored mamon and ensaymada. Oh I forgot to mention, that the place is very clean. They have a very shiny, newly-waxed floor. I also saw a small pond at the side of the shop.

Their cakes lookes very delicious. They accepts made to order. From birthday cakes, baptismal cakes to just everyday cakes. Name it. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, coffee, caramel, nutty of different sizes. They have napoleones, brownies, egg tarts too! With the very good choice of lighting, the shops looks stunning with all the glow of their deserts.

Here are the photo of their brazo de mercedes:

I managed to check out the net if there are already blogs about Homebakers, I found very few. Very few pictures of the place too!

Here's their address:
Homebakers Inc.
181-1 Juana Osmeña St.
P.O. Box 105
Cebu City Philippines
Tel. 253-6217 / 253-4265 / Fax. 253-5425

Here are some pictures I got from the net:
(photo credit to Marvin Bonjoc photography)
This is definitely where fresh bread and delicious pastries. You can smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee here. Quiet, clean, cozy, contemporary but quaint, with reasonably priced melt-in-your-mouth goodies always served with s smile. They also offer yummy hot and cold coffees and beverages that would put any Starbucks to shame! Don't miss your chance to sit on the comfy couch and relax with a comforting Almond-Roca Steamed Milk and a warm Pecan Pie treat among many other choices! Stop in soon - you won't regret it! 

" Umarte lamang ng naayon sa itsura. Pag hinde masyado maganda, hwag masyado maarte. "


Love Love Love


Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral

We attended mass in Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral. Although we have been staying here in Cebu for 2yrs now, today is our 1st time here. The place is soo nice. So solemn. And since it is Mama Mary’s birthday, a lot of people is carrying flowers and giving it to her.

We were happy to see that the Cathedral has many schedules for english mass. Nice. This is also where my husband finally found St. Jude (his patron saint). So, I guess, we will definitely spend our Sunday and all other special occasions here to give thanks and praise.


Ness Sep 9, 2010

I remember sitting at my desk and going through how I process my job so that my cubicle feels correct. I can sense immediately if something in mt cubicle is out of place. While co-workers sometimes suggest I modify my work space, I say I likes my arrangement. I am right-handed, and therefore I am very strategic about where I place things. I try to make what little space I have as usable as possible to make myself more relaxed and efficient.

If your cubicle can help you relax and make you efficient, you’ve done a good job of decorating. Rather than worry about appearing to be a hard worker or striving to give the impression that you’re organized, a relaxed and efficient worker can just be himself or herself. With fewer concerns on your mind and a visually appealing and functional work space, you can focus on your job. What boss would complain about that?
Ness Sep 7, 2010 ,
Christmas starts in September. Only in the Philippines. Sarap maging Pinoy!


While blog hopping on a Sunday afternoon, I found this picture. This caught my attention. I stared at this photo for whole 5mins. Reading some of the comments from those who saw this first, they said this broke their heart. Same for me. I felt mad and I wished I know where is this place so I can check if the woman is still there. I felt bad on the girl who innocently raised her middle finger and smirking at the old lady asking for some alms.. 

I hope when this girl grow up and eventually know how to do tumblr, when she see this, she will courageously apologize to herself. It’s not too late kiddo.. 

Photo credits to:

Mr. Coffee

Saturday night, I decided to go out. I have wi-fi at home but all of a sudden, I wanted to go out. Have coffee and bring my laptop with me. It has been months that I am wanting to visit a new coffee shop near my place. It’s called Mr. Coffee. It is not like the other famous Coffee Bean or Starbucks. They have several branches already. If you’re familiar with Cebu, then you must be familiar with Mr. Coffee also. This one that I am in right now is only a few steps away from my house.
The price is cheaper compared to others. The place is very nice. They have couches, tons of magazines and newspapers. Most importantly, they have wi-fi. They also have a flat screen tv which is showing the concerts of some known foreign artists like Bon Jovi, Beatles and Black Eyed Peas. The shop is being managed by 2 crews. One who is the head of the counter (takes care of your order) and the other crew outside the counter (who takes care of your needs (condiments, etc.)
They have yummy food too. Pasta, Breakfast (which they serve all day), sisig, gambas, breaded pork chops, etc. They have cookies also. Their drinks are super okay also. I ordered their belgian blended creme. It is a cold chocolate drink, coffee-free!! Sarap! I ordered 2. LOL.
This store is open from 6am and closes 2am. If you entered the shop at 6am, used their wi-fi, you can stay in the shop until it closes and enjoy it’s wi-fi all through-out. Very nice.
I will definitely go back here or to any of their branches. =)

Vice Ganda


The SM Green Bag

Yesterday, Wednesday, it’s grocery day for me and my husband. But I was too lazy to go out. So, he went alone with the list of things that he needs to buy that I made.
After 2hrs, hubby’s back. Flaming mad. Flaming mad with SM. He said he was forced to buy their green bag. Since it’s Wednesday, it’s their green bag day. If he didn’t buy the f**cking green bag, the bagger will put his groceries in a brown bag. Brown bag which will evetually tear itself if you put something wet or cold in it. So, who would like to pick their groceries on the street, di ba/?
It costs Php 35 for 2 green bags. My husband talked to the Manager on Duty.
Husband: Ano ba ‘to? Pinipilit nyo ang mga tao na bumili ng binebenta nyong green bag na yan!
Manager: Winisdey po kasi today Ser, gren bag diy.
Husband: I know, pero hindi nyo dapat pinipilit na bumili ng bag nyo ang mga tao!
Manager: Suri ser, if ayaw nyo, pwidi naman po sa brown bag na lang.
Husband: E panu kung masira yan, may mga cold and wet ako na groceries.
Manager: Ingatan nyo na lang ser.
So, that’s what happened. My husband was left with no choice but to buy the green bag. He’s really flaming mad. Flaming mad with SM and their promos.
I wish they can review their policies and procedures with promos. You are giving people with no choice. Until now, my husband is flaming mad. I think, SM groceries will be losing loyal customer (us) this time.

Five Years

Sugar Hiccup
Formed in 1994, Sugar Hiccup was composed of Melody del Mundo, Mervin Panganiban, Czandro Pollack and Russell Dacasin. Named after an obscure Cocteau Twins song, the band was signed up by BMG Records in 1995 and released their hit debut album “Oracle”. In 1997, their second album “Womb” was launched, and the band was marketed overseas by BMG.
Awards received:

“Best Alternative Vocal Performance” - Melody Del Mundo 
“Best Alternative Group” - Sugar Hiccup
“Vocalist of the Year” - Melody Del Mundo (Sugar Hiccup)

“Best Alternative Song” for FIVE YEARS 
“Best Alternative Recording” for FIVE YEARS
“Best Alternative Song” - FIVE YEARS 
“Best Alternative Vocal Performance” - Melody Del Mundo 
“Best Alternative Group”

Happy Birthday Leahn Janice C. Quevedo

2years of a very good friendship. Full of ups and downs. We went thru moments that were good and bad, even moments that were happy and sad. You supported me when I was in tears, those moments that we both need a “breather” we’re priceless. I may not say this to you more often, but I treasure our friendship.
I’m crying while writing this. Going back what we have been through. All the times we argue and fight. It’s so good to know someone special, who shares. My secrets, my laughter, my dreams and my cares. Someone through good times and bad, when there’s tears. It’s so good to know you Leahn, my friend through the years. I love you dear friend with all of my heart.
I can’t keep your heart from breaking and hurting. But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces and put them back in place. I can’t tell you who you are. I can only love you and be your friend.
Happy birthday Leahn. I love you friend! =)

Nikon Mug

Ness , ,
1st time I heard about this I really want to have one. Before, I didn’t know where to it. I know now. And I am going to have my own Nikon mug, soon!! bwahahaha!

Thanks for the photos:

The Nikon Cake

Ness , , ,

Hindi ka naman camera Pero tuwing nakikita kita Napapangiti ako.

Panic Button

Ness ,
It’s been 2months. 2months of nothing. Time to press the panic button. Time to think. I need a new job. Anyone can help me? 


Oily = Ugly

Oiliness is next to ugliness. Not sure why I am blogging this. I just remembered my friend. She will be here next week for a vacation and I will be her official tour guide. I’m excited too! It’s been a while since the last time I was out with friends..
She’s a college friend. We went to the same university but she finished a different degree. We used to go out, gimik together and shop together. When we graduated, we had to separate ways. She got married also. Same with me.
After like 5yrs, I found her in facebook. I got excited. I added her and soon enough she accepted it and we started to catch up with the stories of our lives. It was nice. Exciting. I was happy that I found her.
Next week, we will see each other after 5yrs. I am not sure how she looks like. I remember our classmates before teasing her to have an oily face. Because her face is so shiny and had several pimples (you know what I mean. Picture that!) She always gets mad at our classmates and will end up absent on our class the next day.
I really didn’t tell her that it’s true that she got a very oily face. But I realized, I did! (Indirectly) by suggesting some powder everytime we’re on shopping. I even bought her the oil removing film.
I wonder if she still got the oil mine in her face, or should I say in her glands. Haha! I can’t help but smile thinking about how we look like when we we’re in school.
I will not post her old picture for now. Let’s wait for next week. It would be better to show the before and after thingy. That would be more funny. LOL
I’m excited for next week. I know it’s going to be a blast. The jokes, laughters, giggles and never ending story telling sessions. I’m excited! One thing’s for sure, she got a very beautiful heart. And she’s my friend!

10% of conflicts are due to difference in opinion, 90% is due to wrong tone of voice.


My Buy 1 - Take 1 Ferrero!

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